Love and Idioms

Bill Bliss

Valentine’s Day greeting cards offer some of the most unusual ways to say “I love you” through idioms.  Can your students find the correct words to complete these expressions of love? 

Love and FruitsLove and Fruits

Word Bank:  Word by Word Picture Dictionary page 48

1.  You’re the _______ of my eye!
2.  I’m _______ about you!
3.  You’re a real _______!


Love and the BodyLove and the Body
Word Bank:  Word by Word Picture Dictionary pages 86-87

4.  My _______ belongs to you.
5.  I have _______s for nobody but you.
6.  I’ve got you under my _______.  (Hint:  Old song lyric.)
7.  Some day I want to ask for your _______ in marriage!
8.  I’m _______ over _______s in love with you!



(Need the answer key?  Email and type "Valentine Answer Key" in the subject line.)

Happy Valentine’s Day!